
HVAC Repair Tips

While the air conditioner is one of the most common units in most homes, studies show that many people make plenty of mistakes that reduce the lifespan of the machines.

The mistakes also make the units work inefficiently thus as a homeowner, you end up spending more money than you should, keeping your house cool. Here are some of the most common mistakes that many people make as given by AC repair companies:

You keep all the registers closed

The role of the registers is to allow optimum airflow. When you aren’t looking to cool the entire house, it might seem logical to close the registers of the rooms that aren’t of interest. While you will save some money by doing this, you tend to make the air conditioner work harder than it should.

This not only results in the air conditioner consuming a lot of energy, it also reduces the lifespan of the unit. The right way of going about it is keeping the registers open all the time. While you might lose some energy, you will keep your air conditioner in top working condition.

While you are at it, open all of the doors—even the interior ones. This is to allow optimum airflow in the house.

Failure to protect the air conditioner

The air conditioner has a tough looking exterior but this doesn’t mean that its immune to damage, by the weather elements. In fact, you should note that it can be easily damaged by the sun, and other things.

One of the things you should do to protect it is to keep it out of direct sun exposure. This not only ensures that its free of sun damage, it also protects it from overheating thus it works more efficiently.

You also should remember to keep it away from heat-producing appliances such as the furnace that can damage it.

When it comes to the outdoor unit, place it in a shaded away. When installing it, ensure that its away from twigs and leaves that might get into the fans, blocking it.

When it comes to the indoor unit, protect it using drapes and blinds. You should pay close attention to the sunny side of the house.

You keep the air conditioner dirty

Cleanliness is second to Godliness; therefore, when you keep the air conditioner dirty you are doing an ungodly thing. Many people know that they need to clean their air conditioners but you will be shocked by the number that don’t clean them.

This is usually due to ignorance. They say that as long as the unit is working properly, they have nothing to worry about.

Do you want your air conditioner to work efficiently and last for a long time? You should clean it regularly. Clean both the indoor and outdoor units. When cleaning the indoor coils, take care that you don’t damage them.

During the cleaning, pay attention to the air filter. This is a unit that regulates the air that gets in and out of the house. When it’s dirty, you not only risk inhaling dirty air, you also make the air conditioner work harder.

Inspect the air conditioner. Is it dirty? Clean it. In some cases, you might find that the air filter is too dirty or damaged. In such a case, you should simply replace it.

For you to keep the air conditioner in top working condition and clean, replace the air filters at least once every three months. Are you in the months of heavy use, such as summer? Replace the air filter once a month.

You don’t inspect the air conditioner

When is the last time you inspected your air conditioner? If you are like many other homeowners, you have gone for years without doing it. Which is wrong. You can do the inspection by yourself or hire air conditioning companies McLean to help you out.

During the inspection pay attention to the indoor unit, air ducts, outdoor unit, and other parts of the unit. You should be on the lookout for leaks, loose seams, obstructions, gaps and any other defects that the unit might be having.

If your air conditioner has issues, have them fixed as soon as possible so that the unit can continue working.