
HVAC Repair Tips

ac repair services

With the coronavirus wreaking havoc around the world, people are spending most of their time indoors. While they are having quality time with friends and relatives, their major worry is the amount of energy they spend keeping their houses cool.

Did you know just because you are spending most of the time in the house you don’t have to run up your utility bill? Here are tips you should put into consideration as given by AC repair services providers:

Invest in the right appliance

If you have had your appliance for more than 10 years, the chances are that it’s running inefficiently; hence you end up spending a lot of energy cooling the house.

To save energy, shop for a high-quality unit. When shopping, be on the lookout for the energy star certification. Energy-star certified appliances consume 10% less energy, which is a substantial amount in a month.

One of the major mistakes many people make when buying the appliances is purchasing units of the wrong size. When you buy a unit that is too small, you don’t effectively cool the house. The unit also tends to work harder as it has a large area to cool.

Many homeowners are often tempted to go big with the impression that the large air conditioner will be more effective. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. An oversized air conditioner is less effective and wastes a lot of energy in the long run.

When your appliance is too big, it cools the house too fast, leaving the house damp and with a clammy feeling.

If you aren’t sure of the right size of appliance you should go for, ask an expert to help you out.

Cover the windows

Since you will be in the house most of the day, consider covering the windows to prevent the hot sun rays from coming in. Wondering which is the best window covering? Go for a thermal curtain designed explicitly for that purpose.

Clean the air filters

Air filters trap the dust preventing it from getting into the house. When you go for a long time without cleaning the filters, they clog up, making the air conditioner work too hard. What is the result of this? The air conditioner consumes a lot of energy, so you have a high energy bill at the end of the month.

To avoid this, clean the air filters at the end of the month. You can easily find the air filters behind the inside facing front cover. Liftoff the cover and replace the filter with a disposable filter designed for the make and model of your air conditioner.

You can easily replace the air filters, but if you don’t have time or aren’t confident in your skills, let an expert handle it.

Move the air conditioner in the shade

If the air conditioner is exposed to the sun, move it in a shaded area. Units placed in shaded areas run more efficiently, so you have a lower monthly bill. A unit in a shaded area also tends to have an easier time cooling the air.

You can place the air conditioner under a tree or any shaded area close to your house. If you don’t already have a shady area, put up one.

Use a programmable thermostat

There is nothing that can save you as much energy as a programmable thermostat. When properly used, a programmable thermostat can reduce your energy by up to 30%.

The programmable thermostat helps you to easily program the air conditioner to your preference. You can also easily access it from the app on your phone or tablet.

Insulate the house

Insulating the house isn’t as fun as adding new countertops, but they can save you a lot of energy when you do it right.

Wondering how the insulation works? It follows the laws of thermodynamics. Heat flows from a hotter place to a cooler one. When your house isn’t properly insulated, heat seeps into the house, and the air conditioner works harder.

When you insulate the house, heat from outside doesn’t get into the house, so the air conditioner doesn’t have a lot of work.

Work with HVAC repair services Vienna VA professionals and insulation experts and insulate the house. For ideal results, ensure that you work with experts.