
HVAC Repair Tips

It’s common for the AC to break down. According to HVAC contractors, there are many reasons that can bring about the breakdown. Here are some of the reasons:

The AC’s electric system has a problem

The air conditioner has plenty of wires that distribute power throughout the system. Due to regular use and age, the wires can get worn out, separated, or twisted. When this happens they may stop distributing power thus resulting in the breakdown of your appliance. It’s also common for the compressor to degrade with use thus making it difficult to process energy.

You should hire an AC repair professional to inspect the system and if the wires can be fixed, the professional should go ahead and do it. In some cases, the wires are beyond repair. In such a case the professional should replace them. For ideal results ensure that you work with a certified professional.

The plumbing system in the Air conditioner is faulty

Due to the constant cooling and heating, it’s common for water to form in the unit. To get rid of water from the AC system, the air conditioner has an elaborate condensate line that can develop many problems. One of the most common problems is clogging where it can be clogged by dust or dirt. When this happens water isn’t removed from the system and this puts your air conditioner at the risk of developing a short circuit. This not only puts your system at the risk of getting damaged, it also puts your property at the risk of fire.

To protect your unit and property regularly hire an AC technician to inspect the system and fix any fault lines.

Your AC is too old

It’s common for old air conditioners to develop problems every now and then. According to AC contractors, you should stay with your cooling unit for 15-20 years after which you should replace it. If your unit is more than 20 years old, avoid throwing money down the toilet by repairing it. All you need to do is replace it. When replacing it, ensure that it’s energy efficient by checking on the star rating. Also, ensure that it’s the right size. Finally, ensure that it’s installed by a qualified HVAC company.


These are some of the top reasons why your air conditioner is broken. For your unit to start working again work with a qualified professional.