
HVAC Repair Tips

air conditioning maintenance

Proper air conditioning maintenance is necessary for the proper functioning of the unit. Proper care of the unit also ensures that the air conditioner lasts for a long time. If you just bought an air conditioner, there are plenty of things you need to do to keep your unit in top shape. Some of these things include:

Give your unit enough room to breathe

Where you place the air conditioner has a great impact on how properly it functions. As an AC owner, you know that the cooling process of the unit depends on how well air flows in the unit. To allow as much air in your air conditioner as possible, place the unit in an area that permits the air in.

One of the things you should do is to ensure that the unit has enough free space around it. This ensures that nothing is blocking it. When installing the unit, ask your AC contractor to leave enough space. If there are trees that might prevent adequate air flow, get rid of them. You also should make a habit of inspecting the air conditioner and creating enough space around it.

When there isn’t enough room, the air conditioner doesn’t get enough air. This results in it working harder than it should. This not only translates to a high energy bill at the end of the month, but it also means that the air conditioner works harder than it should. The result is the air conditioner having a short lifespan.

Get rid of any clogging material

Just like any other functioning unit in your home, it’s common for debris and other materials to clog them. The most common material that clog air conditioners is dust. The dust is caught up in the vents. It’s also common to find pollen and other materials in the unit. These materials not only make the air getting in the house stale, but they also make the air conditioner work harder than it should. As mentioned above, this translates to a high energy bill and the air conditioner doesn’t last for a long time.

Regular inspection

This is crucial as it not only helps you to pick the problems while they are in their initial stages, it also gives you peace of mind as you know that your air conditioner can’t halt abruptly. At least once a year, hire an HVAC company to inspect the air conditioner and fix any problematic areas.