
HVAC Repair Tips

air conditioning maintenance

Just like water and electricity, air conditioning systems are a must have in most homes in the US. Due to the high acceptance levels, studies show that many homeowners don’t take proper care of their units. Proper care of air conditioners is given by air conditioning maintenance professionals. Since most homeowners ignore air conditioners, they rarely contact the professionals.

This results to ineffective air conditioners that don’t cool the house the way they should. For your units to be in perfect working condition you need to take care of them. Here are situations when you should hire the maintenance professionals:

When your air conditioner is dirty

Homeowners are asked to clean their ACs every year, but very few do it. What most of the homeowners don’t realize is that just like other appliances at home, air conditioners also accumulate dirt and debris. This results to ineffectiveness. For your appliance to perform optimally you should hire an AC contractor once every year or when you notice unhealthy dirt on your AC.

The professional will clean the air filters and if they are too worn out, he/she will replace them. In addition to this, the professional will also vacuum all the dirt from other areas of your unit. The professional will also clear long glass or vegetation around the AC. This is to ensure that fresh air flows towards it. If there are problems with the unit, the professional will identify and fix them.

When the utility bill is too high

If you notice that your electricity bill is rising every month and you haven’t added another electric appliance in your home, there is something wrong with your appliances. You should call HVAC contractors in your area and ask them to come and inspect your appliance. When an AC is old or inefficient, it consumes plenty of power that sky rockets your electricity bill. The contractors will inspect and fix the appliance. If your unit is too old to be repaired, the professional will recommend the best AC that you should install.

When the AC is making plenty of noise

The AC is designed to work quietly and only gets noisy when there is a problem. Contact an AC professional to come and inspect the unit. In most cases, noise results from rusty motors. The fan may also be having some problems. The professional will identify the problem and fix it.

To have peace of mind that the unit is professionally fixed, work with certified AC contractors.