
HVAC Repair Tips

As we get to the cooling season, many people are going to rush to install air conditioners in their homes. Is this the first time you are installing the unit? There are plenty of things you should know about it. Here are some of these things as given by air conditioning repair professionals:

Using the air conditioner won’t give you cold

If you haven’t used the air conditioner before, you must have come across information that you will get cold by using the unit. When you lower the temperature settings too low you will get chilled but this doesn’t mean you will get a cold.

The common cold is brought about by a virus—not the low temperature; therefore, there is no way you can get cold simply by lowering the temperature settings.

When you get into the house and you notice the temperature too high, don’t worry about getting a cold. You should go ahead and turn the air conditioner on and let it lower the temperature.

The biggest air conditioner isn’t always the best

Since you are looking to keep the house cold, you might have the impression that you should buy the largest unit that you come across. While this might be a good idea when you have a large area to cool, it will be counterproductive if you have just a small area.

For your unit to function optimally, you should choose the right one for the size of your house. Before you buy one, you should ask a professional to inspect your house and recommend the right size that you should go for.

In addition to the size of your house, other factors that will determine the size of air conditioner that you should go for include: insulation, air leakage, windows, roof characteristics, and the direction the windows face.

While large air conditioners look great, they tend to cool the house too much. They also tend to consume a lot of energy hence you end up with a large monthly bill.

You have to hire an expert repair professional even if you properly maintain your AC

Some people have the notion that since they clean the air conditioners and replace the air filters regularly, they don’t need to hire a professional to inspect and repair them.

You should note that air conditioner professionals are highly experienced at not only maintaining the air conditioners, but also at identifying the faulty areas of the units. Regardless of how well you maintain your units, you should still make a habit of hiring a contractor at least once a year to inspect the unit.

The contractor should inspect all the areas of the unit and if there are any issues, fix them.

You save money by turning the thermostat down

It goes without saying that you should always aim to spend as little energy cooling your house as much as possible. One of the most effective ways of doing it is turning the thermostat low when you aren’t in the house.

Since you aren’t cooling anything during the day when you are at work or at night when you are sleeping, you should consider lowering the settings so that the unit doesn’t have to work too hard.

For you to have an easy time controlling the air conditioner, you should get a programmable thermostat.

Price shouldn’t be the only determining factor

If you are looking to replace the old air conditioner, you should be cautious about the new unit that you go with. Many people base their decisions on the price that the air conditioner is selling at. This is wrong as you often end up buying the wrong unit.

For you to buy the right appliance, you need to consider your comfort needs, budget, and length of time you will be living in your current house.

If you don’t currently have enough money to buy the right appliance for your house, you will be better off postponing the idea and buying the unit at a later date.

After buying the right appliance, ensure that it’s installed by expert HVAC companies McLean. The last thing you want is the unit falling off its installation area after a few uses.