
HVAC Repair Tips

Filling our houses with the different kinds of appliances is one of the fun things we can do. We get to choose the accessories that make our house a home so that we will be able to live in it comfortably. One of the most common appliances that we always get is an air conditioner. And as a matter of fact, there are two types of air conditioners. We have a manual air conditioner and an automatic air conditioner. The different air conditioning companies already have their own versions of these two types of air conditioners. It is up to you to choose which one suits your house the best.

Here is a bit of a comparison between an automatic air conditioner and a manual air conditioner.

Manual Air Conditioner

Temperature Regulator

The great thing about a manual air conditioner is that you can set the temperature according to the way you want it to be. You get to turn the rotating switch so that you can set teh temperature. And once you have set the temperature that you want your room to be, it will remain as is until you will change it. Whether it is a cooler or a warmer temperature, you get to do it yourself.


And when it comes to the swinging of the air, with a push of the button on the air conditioner the swinging blades will move sideways. This is to evenly distribute the amount of air it is giving. There are also air conditioners where the swing is stabled. It is where you have to manually set the beamer towards the direction where you want the cool air to be pointed.


The switches of the manual air conditioner are simple buttons or switch turners. It depends on the air conditioning company how they make their products.


The overall performance of the manual air conditioner will last longer if it is well-maintained. Regular checkup or clean up on your manual air conditioner will help prolong its life and also will have a better performance. Even a simple filter cleaning will give a huge change in its performance.

Automatic Air Conditioner

Temperature Regulator

The temperature setting of the automatic air conditioner can be adjusted manually or automatically. It has a remote where you get to choose between a stagnant temperature or a changing temperature. You can even have a setting where you can have a timer on your temperature.


Most of the automatic air conditioners have a remote. And this remote has a button where you get to control the swinging blades. You can make it swing from side to side, up or down, or you make it stagnant and have the blades pointed on a fixed direction.


With the help of a remote control, you can control the air conditioner wherever you are in the room. But there are also buttons on the air conditioner system itself so that you can manually turn it on and set whatever it is needed to be set.


The overall performance of an automatic air conditioner is the same as the manual air conditioner. But there are some automatic air conditioners that do not have any buttons on the body itself. You will have to have a spare remote control just in case. And also in order for it to have a better performance in the future, have it checked from time to time. Just like the manual air conditioner. All machines need to be maintained so that the performance will not deteriorate.

It doesn’t matter if you choose an automatic air conditioner or a manual air conditioner, as long as you get your room to be cool. In an automatic air conditioner, you get to set it in any way you want it to be. You can even have an on and off timer so that you can save electricity. And for the manual air conditioner, you can have a full control and set it on or of whenever you desire. In time, the overall performance of an air conditioner needs to be checked. And there are a lot of local air conditioner repair Fairfax  companies everywhere for you to call from. Even if you have a manual air conditioner or an automatic air conditioner, they will surely help you professionally.