
HVAC Repair Tips

AC repair services

It’s normal for air conditioners to be shipped or stored vertically. Due to this, homeowners wonder if they can also install their air conditioners vertically. If you are one of the people asking, can an air conditioner be installed vertically? You should know you can’t do it.  According to AC repair services providers, doing this comes with plenty of dangers that include:

It can damage the compressor.

The air conditioner compressor is like a small electric motor with gears and turning parts that you need to lubricate. One of the best products to use in the lubrication is oil, often located in the compressor case.

When you turn the air conditioner on its side, the oil settles at the bottom of the compressor which deprives it part of the compressor oil. This might lead to damage and even compressor burnout.

Ventilation grates can collect rainwater.

Air conditioners feature ventilation grates or fins on the sides and bottom that bring in sufficient airflow into the hot side of the unit. The airflow allows dispersal of heat that the appliance pulls from inside the house.

When you install the air conditioner vertically, rainwater drains into the grates, and you end up damaging the delicate internal mechanisms.

Condensation won’t drain properly.

Like other air conditioners, window air conditioners dehumidify the air to improve indoor comfort. The unit pulls indoor air into the house and blows it across cold copper coils often filled with refrigerant.

The coils “sweat” humidity in the air in the form of condensation that drips through gravity, down into a condensation pan. When you position the air conditioner on its side, water drains into the case, which can damage the appliance and leaking water will get back into the house.

How to properly store the air conditioner

To avoid the dangers that come with improper installation of the air conditioner, you should exercise caution and ensure you properly install the appliance. Some of the tips you should consider include:

Work with a professional

Everything begins here. Unless you have the skills, there is no way you will properly install the air conditioner on your own—you have to hire an air conditioner expert to help you out.

When you are scouting for an expert, take time to interview several of them before you decide on one. A good contractor should have two or more years of experience. They also should be residing in your local area.

Remember, plenty of things can go wrong as the contractor is installing the air conditioner. The contractor can fall from the window, the air conditioner can fall and break, among many other things. To protect yourself and your property, ensure the contractor you hire is insured.

Have the necessary permits in place

You can install your air conditioner anywhere, right? Wrong! In some states, you can be on the wrong side of the law if you install the air conditioner without the necessary authorization. To be safe, take time to research and find out if your state requires any permits to allow you to install the air conditioner.

Install the air conditioner at the right place

Where you install the air conditioner not only affects how long it lasts, it also determines how efficiently it operates. For best results, ensure you install it in an area where the electrical outlet is as close enough as possible to the chosen window so the cord can easily reach the appliance.

The area should also be clear of obstructions. This ensures the outside of the unit can disperse heat keeping your appliance functioning optimally and at high-efficiency levels.

If you live alone, you should locate the air conditioner as close to your bed as possible. This ensures the bedroom has comfortable temperatures all the time.

Taking care of the air conditioner

Properly installing the air conditioner isn’t enough. You also need to properly maintain it to keep it in top working condition. At least once a month, ask an air conditioning repair services Vienna VA provider to visit your home and inspect the appliance.

If the unit has any issue, they should fix it immediately. Like when hiring an installation company, ensure the company you hire is also experienced enough to handle the tasks. You don’t want a company that causes more problems than were originally there, do you?