
HVAC Repair Tips

Gas furnace repair

Taking good care of your gas furnace ensures that it runs efficiently thus you save on your home heating bills. To help you out, here are tips recommended by HVAC contractors on how to keep your furnace in great shape.

Unblock the furnace registers

You should keep all registers (supply and return) unblocked by ensuring that they aren’t covered by furniture, rugs or drapery. Often times, in homes with children, registers become blocked with toys, clothes, and books. Blocked registers cause your gas furnace to work harder than normal to heat your home and this translates to high energy bills. For your heating system to run efficiently you should allow the registers unrestricted airflow.

Regularly inspect the gas furnace vents

You should regularly inspect the furnace vents. If the vents are blocked with leaves, plants or debris, the carbon monoxide can be forced back into your house. By regularly inspecting the vents and cleaning them, you make it possible for the carbon monoxide to safely escape your home thus you don’t have to worry of intoxication.

Clean or replace the furnace filters

The air filter protects the furnace from dust and debris. When the filter becomes clogged, airflow is restricted and the furnace works hard to heat your home. HVAC technicians recommend that you clean the filters at least once a month. If they are too dirty you should consider replacing them. There are many types of air filters in the market that you can go for. You only need to go for those that meet your ideals.

Keep the thermostat on a comfortable range

Gas furnace repair professionals report that lowering your thermostat by even one or two degrees makes a significant reduction on your energy bills. You should work at keeping your home within the “comfort zone” of 63-68 degrees. By doing this you will maintain a heated home without making your HVAC system work too hard. As a result, you have a comfortable home and at the same time, your heating system lasts for a long time.

Undertake annual gas furnace inspection

You should have an experienced and licensed contractor from a reputable HVAC company carry out a yearly inspection of your gas furnace. You should have the inspections done before the winter months in order to pick the problems that would jeopardize the effectiveness of the furnace during the heating months.


Performing regular maintenance on your gas furnace is important and beneficial to you as a homeowner and bill payer. Not only will you prolong the life of your gas furnace, you will also keep your unit running efficiently.