
HVAC Repair Tips


If you have been overlooking a particular repair to the heating system to save on money, then you might be losing on energy bills. The other condition could be if you are getting high energy bills, and you haven’t been using it unusually, then there might be something wrong with the heating system. It will also save money if you save money if you get the heating unit serviced before winters. It’s not late even now; you can get someone to check your unit.

Service checks

  • You need to check and clean filters, burners and nozzles. Dust or dirt stuck here might not just restrict air flow but could cause further damage to the heating and cooling unit. Ideally, it starts with the filters, so change filters every six months or if they are washable, then wash them and dry them properly before use.
  • Get a professional to check the furnace and gas lines (if any). Though your gas company would advise if they suspect any leak, but still, if the gas has been on for other appliances, then get the heating unit checked for any leaks before use.
  • Check AC ducts in basement and in the attic. If insulation or any part of the ducts seems to be worn out or loose, then get someone to give a professional opinion. Leaks from ducts usually stay unnoticed but could cause severe damage.
  • If you feel that a particular room is not heating properly, even though others are, then you might need to check the insulation in the attic.

Reasons For Getting A Professional

A professional would be able to check everything quickly and repair it efficiently. Though you can do these checks on your own, but to make the repairs call a professional. Things that you can do on your own are filter change and clean out. Insulation installation and furnace checks and repairs should be left to professional. They would not only do these repairs properly, but will also suggest if anything else needs to be adjusted or repaired. For gas furnace, they might suggest installing Carbon Monoxide monitors to keep you aware if there is any leak.

Plus, repairing some of the units might require opening them up. These repairs should also be entrusted to someone who has experience and knowledge of what he is doing.