
HVAC Repair Tips

Heating unit repair

Electric central heating systems are new entrants in the central heating arena. If you are planning on replacing your current system or you just constructed a new home, you should consider going for them.

Advantages of the electric heating systems

Heating unit repair professionals recommend these systems as they come with plenty of benefits. Some of their benefits include:

Energy efficiency: Since they are modern, they are designed to consume little energy.When buying them, you should pay attention to the energy rating and go for those that are highly energy rated.

Ease of maintenance: As you know, electric units have little components in them. This makes them easy to maintain. All you need to do is to regularly inspect them to ensure all the components are functioning properly and you are good to go.

No need for gas supply: The traditional central heating systems are gas powered. This means that if you are out of the gas supply line you can’t install them in your home. This isn’t the case with this system. All you need to install them is electric supply in your home.

Ease of installation: Unlike the gas heating systems that are expensive to install, you don’t need a lot of money to install the electric units. In fact, you can install them on your own if you have the skills but for ideal results, you should hire reputable and experienced heating contractors to handle the installation.

Taking care of your electric heating unit

You need to take good care of your unit for it to run efficiently. Proper care of the unit also gives you peace of mind as you don’t have to worry about the unit grinding to a stop at the middle of the night. To maintain your unit in great shape, you should regularly inspect it for faults.

You should check the pipes carrying the water and when you notice any fault, contact a professional to fix them. It’s rare that the modern central heating systems have water tanks, but if yours has, you should regularly inspect it for corrosion.

Finally, inspect the radiators and regularly vent them. Venting is the process of removing air pockets that might be trapped in the radiator. The air pockets usually take up space that would have been taken by hot water. Due to this, the heating system functions inefficiently resulting to you spending a lot of money to heat your home. You should hire an HVAC company to vent your heating system but if you have the skills, do it on your own.