
HVAC Repair Tips

hvac contractorWe are generally unaware of the work which is specified in our HVAC repair bills or price list. HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilating and Air conditioning system which is installed in almost every home to maintain a pleasant weather inside the home. To understand the repair price list of HVAC you need to know the different components of a full electric split heating system installed in HVAC installed in your home. It is always easy to settle on a price with HVAC contractor with proper information.

Common parts which can need repair

The heat pump is a part of HVAC system which stays outdoors. It is basically consists of the condenser coil, compressor and fan. It is where the problems related to refrigerant can happen and a technician will check it thoroughly to see if there is something wrong with the parts inside it. If in case there is a shortage of refrigerant, the technician will install it through a port. To fill the refrigerant, the Freon bottle is weighed before and after the filling process to measure the amount used, so that you can be charged according to each pound used in it. The leakage in refrigerant can be stopped by repairing the coil but in this process the refrigerant is getting pumped out and pumped in respectively.

Cleaning and replacement of parts

It is seen that the fins situated on the condenser coil gets dirty and hinders the proper working of the system. These fins also get damaged due to hail or heavy rains. They require repetitive cleaning which is not at all expensive. If the compressor, fan or reversing valve (which is required for the switch over from heating tom cooling and vice- versa) stops working, there is a possibility, that the replacement of the contractor is required. Luckily it will not cost you much, but the replacement of a compressor and fan motor can be expensive. If there is a need to change the compressor or the coils of condenser coils are damaged beyond repair, it is better to buy a new heat pump.

What can add to your bills?
The repair of an under-slab plenum, which is damaged due to rust, can prove to be the most costly one, as it can require the demolition and reconstruction of the damaged part. Replacement of indoor fan can also charge you a bit costly. Repair and replacement of Control electronic items like thermostat from expert HVAC contractor can make you pay moderately.