
HVAC Repair Tips

HVAC companies

While the air conditioner is a vital home appliance, it can easily skyrocket your electricity bill making it too expensive to keep running. Luckily, HVAC companies report there are several things you can do to help your air conditioner run better. Here are tips on how to use the air conditioner effectively:

Stop meddling with the thermostat.

The thermostat controls the air conditioner. When it’s too hot, it signals the air conditioner to start working, and when it gets cold, it signals it to stop running. When it gets too hot, some people have the impression by lowering the temperature below 78 degrees, they will cool down the house faster, but this isn’t the case.

You should note the air conditioner cools the house at the same rate regardless of the settings. This means by setting it lower than normal, you will not be speeding up the cooling process. You will be making the unit spend more energy cooling the house below the required levels.

Regardless of the temperature, you step into the house at, you should put on the air conditioner without meddling with the thermostat and let it cool the house at the normal rate.

Turn on the dehumidifier.

Have you heard people saying, “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity?” it often is. If the air conditioner has been running, but the house is still uncomfortable, don’t lower the temperature further as you will be spending a lot of energy than is necessary.

Instead, you should put on the dehumidifier. The appliance will make the house feel more comfortable. You might even be able to set the air conditioner above 78 degrees by using the dehumidifier combined with the fans.

Make use of timers

Using the air conditioner when there is no one at home is synonymous to pouring money down the drain. To reduce your monthly cooling costs, make use of timers. When you aren’t at home, set the timers to stop working.

You should then set the timers to start working just before you get home, so you find a warm, comfortable house.

Stop cooling rooms you aren’t using.

The same way you waste energy when you cool the house when you aren’t in the house is the same way you waste energy when you cool a room you aren’t using. For example, cooling the bedroom when all of your family is in the sitting room is wasting energy.

To save energy, keep the air conditioner off in the areas of the house you aren’t using. When you get into these rooms, or you anticipate using these rooms, switch on the air conditioner to start working there.

To have an easy time, it’s wise to invest in a portable air conditioner that you can easily carry around. This way, you can easily move with it.

Ensure the thermostat is on the right wall

Where you place, the thermostat has a significant impact on how the air conditioner works. If you place it next to a hot window, the air conditioner will kick on more often than necessary as it will have the impression the room is hotter.

Place the air conditioner in an area that is free of any appliances that might be producing any form of heat. The area should also be away from a window that might be bringing in heat from outside.

Keep the ducts insulated.

Did you know you could be losing a lot of air through air ducts? To ensure the air conditioner is working optimally, ensure the air ducts are in tip-top shape. They should be properly insulated to keep the air coming in as cool as possible.

You can do the insulation if you have the skills, but for ideal results, let an air conditioning repair services Vienna VA provider help you out.

Keep the air conditioner on the north side.

The ideal place to locate the air conditioner is on the north side, where there is little sun rays can reach it. If the location of the house doesn’t allow it, you should strive to ensure the air conditioner is as covered as possible.

Great ways of going about it is planting shrubs or trees around the air conditioning unit. You can also cover the unit with a tarp.