
HVAC Repair Tips

hvac contractors

During winter, you don’t use the air conditioner thus your unit is idle. When summer is on the way, you should prepare the AC for the hot months of the year. To help you out, here are some of the things that you should do before you start using your unit:

Inspect the outdoor AC unit

Since it’s located outdoors, it’s common for the outdoor unit to have plenty of dirt and debris. HVAC contractors recommend that you inspect the unit and remove any dirt and debris that might be there. It’s common for homeowners to cover the unit so as to protect it from harsh winter weather. Using the AC with the cover on is problematic and can result in damage to your unit. To protect your unit remove the cover before you start using your air conditioner.

Clean the AC supply vents and return grills

Some of the houses have separate supply vents and grills for summer and winter. If your house has this type of a system, chances are that you place a plastic cover on the AC vents in order to prevent drafts during winter. Since you haven’t used the supply lines for long it’s common for dust to accumulate in them. You should remove the cover and clean the lines before you start using your AC. Supply lines and vents are sensitive thus always ensure that the work is handled by a professional HVAC company.

Change the AC air filters

Air filter change is one of the most common air conditioning maintenance practices that you should do. The role of air filters is to trap dirt and dust and the filters trap dirt and dust even when you aren’t using the AC. Before the warm season begins you should remove the old air filter and clean it. If it’s too dirty or worn out you should replace it with a new one.

Ask the AC repair professional to check the technical aspects

It’s common for the electrical system and other areas of the AC to develop problems even when you aren’t using the AC. You should ask the local AC contractors to inspect the system and fix any problems that might be there. The professional should inspect both the outside of the unit and ensure that everything is in perfect condition. For ideal results, ensure that the contractor you work with is certified and experienced enough.