
HVAC Repair Tips

Heating Repair

Homeowners have an emotional attachment with their home appliances. Regardless of how much you love your appliance you have to replace it at a certain time. If you have a gas furnace, here are signs that you should look out for to decide the right time to undertake gas furnace replacement:

Energy bills are skyrocketing

Are your energy bills rising every month? It’s time that you consider replacing your appliance. Sometimes the rise in energy bills could be as a result of an increase in the cost of energy. Before you contact a gas furnace contractor, check whether the cost of energy has risen.

If your energy bills have risen more than the cost of energy, it’s time to give your contractor a call to replace the appliance.

Gas furnace is leaking carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide is a deadly gas that you can’t easily identify its presence without a carbon monoxide monitor. A leaking gas furnace is an old furnace and you should have it replaced immediately to protect yourself and your loved ones.

A telltale sign that your furnace is leaking is a yellow flame. The burner flame should be blue, but when there is a leakage it changes to yellow.

Other signs of a leaking gas furnace include: excessive moisture on your windows and walls, excessive rusting on flue pipes and appliance jacks, water leaking from the base of the chimney, and visible rust at the vent pipe.

If you can afford it, ask a HVAC technician to install carbon monoxide detectors in all corners of your home.

You are no longer comfortable

Your home is your haven and this is the place that you should be comfortable the most. If some of the rooms are hotter or colder than others it means that your furnace’s best times are over and the furnace is unable to properly distribute heat.

It also means that the furnace is no longer able to moisturize and clean indoor air. Instead of wasting money hiring a HVAC company to inspect and repair the appliance, consider replacing the appliance.


Don’t waste your time repairing an appliance whose best days are gone. If your gas furnace is more than 6 years old, stop flushing money down the toilet hiring a heating contractor to repair the appliance. Simply ask the contractor to replace the appliance with a new one. For the new appliance to last for long and give you the service you deserve, buy it from a reputable store.