
HVAC Repair Tips

HVAC repair services

It’s hard to send an old friend away, but according to HVAC repair services providers, there are plenty of benefits that come with replacing your air conditioner.

Benefits of replacing the air conditioner

Saving energy: If you have an old air conditioner, replacing it with a new one leads to you saving a lot of energy and money. This is because the new appliance cools the house better and for less. While buying the new appliance will require you to put up more money upfront, you end up saving a lot in the long run.

Improved air quality: New air conditioners function differently from the older ones. The new appliances allow more humidity in the house making the indoor air smell fresh. When installing the new appliance, the HVAC technician should inspect the ducts and clean them if dirty. This will reduce the dust in the system.

The end result is improved air quality that you can maintain by changing the air filters.

You protect the environment: Decades ago, air conditioners had R-22 refrigerant (also known as Freon) that was harmful to the ozone layer. Small leaks over thousands of air conditioning systems led to serious environmental degradation.

Modern air conditioners have R-401A refrigerant that is much safer for the environment and you can compress it better creating cooler air for less money.

You have a chance of getting it right: Many homeowners installing their air conditioners for the first time make plenty of mistakes. Some of them think they can save some money by sizing down. Others have the impression they will get more oomph by getting a larger unit.

When you install the new appliance, you will have an opportunity to right the wrong. For ideal results, work with an expert who will guide you on the right appliance to go for.

You have fewer repair bills: An old or damaged air conditioner not only consumes a lot of energy, but it also keeps on breaking down. Newer appliances rarely break down which sees you having peace of mind as you don’t worry about the unit grinding to a halt in the middle of the night. You also save a lot of money as you don’t have to keep on hiring an AC repair professional.

Signs it’s time to get a new appliance

While old and worn out appliances give signs that they need to be replaced, many homeowners are blind to the signs as they are too attached to the air conditioner. This leads to them spending a lot of money repairing them. They also incur huge monthly energy bills that they shouldn’t. For you to avoid doing this you need to look out for certain signs that include:

High energy bills: If you have noticed your energy bill rising every month and yet you haven’t added a new appliance in your home, your appliance might be too old and it’s time to get a new one.

Constant failures: How many times has your air conditioner failed this month? If you contact a repair professional a few times a week, you have something to worry about. You are better off with a new appliance as you will save more money. You also will have more peace of mind.

The appliance is old: If you installed your unit more than 10 years ago, it’s time you think about getting a new one.

Keeping your air conditioner newer for longer

The key to keeping your unit functioning efficiently for a long time is keeping it newer for longer. There are a number of ways in which you can do it with the most common ones being:

Keeping the air filter in good condition: The air filters determine the quality of air in the house. To keep the house fresh and the air conditioner functioning at top condition, clean the air filters at least once a month. You also should consider replacing the filters if you can’t clean them.

Tune-up the appliance: At least once a year, hire an air conditioner repair services Vienna VA provider to inspect all areas of the unit and fix any issues that might be there. If there are faulty parts, replace them before they lead to severe damage.