
HVAC Repair Tips


Today, people are lucky if they can get through a day in the summer without uncomfortable. If you want to purchase air conditioning, you should be able to pay for its maintenance as well. In the cold months, you might be looking for furnace repair services, but owning an HVAC is worth it, especially during summer.

You might be surprised to know that there are interesting facts you should know about, which you do not normally hear about air conditioning. If you want to know what they are, read on now.

Air Conditioners Were Originally for Drying Ink

Are you aware that the first modern air conditioner was invented and made by Willis Carrier to remove the humidity from the publishing house? At the Sackett-Wilhelms Lithographing and Publishing House, they used the first air conditioning in 1902 to control the heat and humidity in the printing process.

They called it ‘Apparatus for Treating Air’ to solve this problem.

Summer Blockbuster

Air conditioning systems contributed to the term “Summer Blockbuster.” Among the first systems to use air conditioning during the early part of the 20th century were movie theaters. It was in the 1930s when patrons came to theaters to watch films, but they also enjoyed it in the summer months because of the cool air. Marketers who loved this trend saved a lot of big hits during the summertime releases. Therefore, the “Summer Blockbuster” term was coined.

Largest HVAC System is in the Mosque

The Holy Mosque has the largest HVAC system in the world in Makkah (Mecca) in Saudi Arabia. In order to cool one space with 1 million visitors per month in 1 climate that temperatures can usually go over 100 degrees, and it has 135,000 tons refrigeration capacity.

Air Conditioning Improves Life Expectancy

When air conditioning was invented, it had a tremendous impact on the life expectancy of humans. Many of the medications used today would not have been invented without laboratory equipment that is temperature sensitive and needed air conditioners to control the temperature around them.

With air conditioning, doctors have led world-changing advances during medicine, which is everything from medicines to bacteria, decreasing infant mortality, and more.

Maintains Productivity

Excessive heat decreases the productivity of a person. According to NASA research, telegraph operators commit about 5 mistakes in an hour when the temperature rises to 80 degrees and 60 mistakes per hour when the temperature rises to 95 degrees.

Air Conditioners Changed Architecture Designs

If you are wondering what people did before air conditioners were popular, it is that architects designed buildings in such a way that it will maximize airflow. That means high ceilings, landscaping, and verandahs that give you shade. The capacity to control climate indoors with air conditioners has greatly changed the way buildings are designed and constructed. This also allows people to construct low-built houses and glass skyscrapers.

Cooler Homes

Homes with lower humidity levels have the tendency to feel cooler compared to homes that have high humidity. That is because the dry air can cause skin moisture to quickly evaporate. This is going to help the temperature in the room cool down and even the people in it.

Air conditioners have changed a lot since their inception and people are reliant on them every year, especially during the summer and warmer months. If you need HVAC repair services Mclean, do not hesitate to contact them.   



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