
HVAC Repair Tips

ac repair services

A portable air conditioner comes in handy as a great money saver. The unit saves you money as it allows you to only heat the area that you are living. Most of the modern portable air conditioners are highly energy efficient which saves you even more money.

For you to have a great time with the air conditioner, you need to know how to handle it. To help you out, here are tips on how to go about it as given by AC repair services providers:

Install the air conditioner strategically

You should be cautious where you place the air conditioner. As a rule of thumb, you should avoid placing the unit in the sunny spots. These are the areas that receive a lot of afternoon sun.

When the air conditioner is being hit by a lot of sunlight, it tends to work harder to heat up a room. As you might guess, this leads to the air conditioner consuming a lot of energy. The unit also tends to have a shorter lifespan.

At the same time, you should avoid placing the air conditioner in areas with high humidity levels. You should note that the high relative humidity inside a room increases the frequency at which you need to drain and clean the air conditioner.

If you don’t do it at the right time, it leads to the air conditioner malfunctioning.

For ideal results with your unit, you should install it in areas with little sunlight and low moisture levels.

Leave enough space between the walls

One of the main benefits of air conditioners is that you can easily move them from one place to another. This gives you flexibility in the areas of the house where you can place it.

In addition to avoiding placing it in areas that are too hot or too cold, you also should avoid placing it between walls. If you don’t leave enough space you tend to limit airflow.

When the air conditioner is unable to draw in enough air, it tends to have a low output. The reduced output makes it hard for the unit to cool the house to its desired temperature.

If this is the first time you are using air conditioners, you should refer to the user manual to know the amount of space that you should leave.

Keep the air filters in top shape

Air filters are the lifeblood of the air conditioner and have a great impact on how well the air conditioner functions. How you take care of the air filters depends on the type of filters that you have.

If you have an air filter that you can’t clean or wash, you have to replace it. When replacing it, ensure that you install one of the same model number.

If you have washable filters, you are on the lucky side as you can use them over and over again without putting too much on maintenance.

When the filters get dirty, you simply need to clean them. The best way of going about it is immersing it in warm water with a mild detergent then rinse it thoroughly.

Using a soft brush, you should get rid of any dirt that might be there then let it air dry. It’s only after the unit has completely dried that you should reinstall it.

For you to keep the air filters in top shape, clean them at least once every other week.

Keep the air conditioner clean

Regular cleaning of the air conditioner is one of the easiest ways of keeping it functioning optimally.

The cool thing is that it’s easy to clean the unit. You only need to wipe down the outside of the unit using a damp piece of cloth. You shouldn’t use excessively hot water or any chemicals that can damage the exterior.

For ideal results, undertake simple AC cleaning 4-6 weeks. In addition to simple cleaning, you also need to deep clean the air conditioner. To do it you should unplug the air conditioner and clean the condenser coils to increase its efficiency.

You can use a coil cleaner or make your own cleaning solution using water and lemon juice. You should spray the solution on the AC coils then remove them after a few minutes.

If you don’t like cleaning the unit by yourself, you should consider hiring HVAC repair services Vienna VA to help you with the cleaning.